Monday, September 12, 2011

The Adventure Begins....

Hello, I am The_Awesometeer and I will be partaking on a journey through the AFI Top 100 (if you do not know what this is please check out this site: AFI Top 100).  Now I am a semi-busy person so I will differ on how many movies I will watch and review a week.  It should always be at least one but I might be able to sometimes fit in two.  As of right now I am hoping to do video blogs but we will see how that works out (if you follow my blog or twitter you will know when new reviews are about to come out). 

Now for some background about me and movies.  I like movies but I do not like old movies (i don't really have a good reason why) with that said I have seen only a handful of older movies (made before the 70s) in my life, needless to say I do not have much reason to hate old movies.  Now I do like movies and for the past 8 years I have made sure to watch every movie nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture.  Another thing you should know is though I enjoy movies I am no critic in fact I know hardly anything about movies.  I pretty much know if I liked it or not, so do not expect a review from a movie snob. 

Lastly lets talk about this blog.  First-off like I mentioned I will be watching and reviewing the AFI Top 100 but I will not be doing it in any particular order (I just used a random number generator).  I will be using my own secret formula (like Coke-a-Cola) to critique the film.  I will then make a post about it giving it a final grade.  As I start doing this I will then order the movies I reviewed by the grade I give them, eventually ending up with my own version of the Top 100.  So please join me on this adventure and lets look at some classic American movies.

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